Integrative Psychiatry
the frame work of my practice
Integrative Psychiatry combines the scientific findings and the shared clinical wisdom of the last century.
My practice includes lessons from five years of general psychiatric training and child psychiatric training. Most of those five years of supervised training focused on psychotherapy. Through reading I remain current with Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy and Positive Psychology as in .
I developed my skill in psychopharmacology by attending dozens of courses sponsored by Massachusetts General Hospital as well as the American Academy of Addiction Psychiatry.
I subscribe to and in order to integrate current information regarding healthy lifestyle practices and natural therapies and treatments.
My reading of the book, The Secrete Language of Cells, suggests that for me to be a well-informed psychiatrist, I must possess an understanding of neurology, immunology, and gastroenterology.
In my practice of integrative psychiatry, I support the recovery of my patients and encourage lifelong patterns of behavior consistent with long term good health and wellbeing.
In my collaboration with Stefanie Henderson, I bring the insights of Integrative Psychiatry to the public in English and Spanish. We endeavor to fulfill our mission statement.
Support Health. Inspire Learning.
Inspira Aprendizaje. Promueve Salud.